Kamis, 26 September 2013

Holistic of Islamic Entrepreneurship Education IEEdu Model (Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Islam Holistik)

Holistic of Islamic Entrepreneurship Education IEEdu Model (Ade Suyitno, 2013) :
1. Islamic Entrepreneurship Knowladge from Quran, Hadits, History of Rasulullah History (best practise)
2. Developing Aqidah, Attitude, and Healty
3. Improvement of Soft skill and hard skills in Business as create creative product, managerial, budgeting, marketing and cultural work.
4. Selfconcius (True Intention)  for self empowering and another muslim

Creative from Sharia values form paly group, elemntary school, senoir and junior high school. 

Islamic Entrepreneurship Education (I’M EDU PROGRAM) :  Actualization  of The Prophet’s Entrepreneurship  in The  Pillar of  Islamic Education
A. Model
Indonesia of Islamic Entrepreneurship Education shortened I’m Edu Program is actualization of the Prophet’s entrepreneurship in the pillar of education on Islamic Organizations both formal education and non-formal education. Entrepreneurship education is really important to be taught because it will create creative and independent mankind. This Islamic entrepreneurship education is an integrated way from elementary to university with different objectives and learning plans.

Tabel 1. Entrepreneurship Education Program in Formal Education Level of Islamic Organizations
Education Level
Learning Activities
Learning outcome
Elementary Handicrafts, extracurricular Being competent to be creative and honest
Junior High School Learning subjects, Handicrafts, extracurricular: Students’ Cooperation Being competent to be creative, confident, and trustworthy.
Senior High School Learning subjects, local subject, extracurricularr, reading of the Holy Qur’an, Islamic entrepreneurship. Being competent to be creative, have entrepreneurial knowledge and to be brave to establish small enterprises guilelessly.
University Subjects, Islamic Students’ Activities and Business which is in line with DIKTI program. Being competent to be creative, innovative, brave to take risks and to start establishing enterprises which based on syariah or Islamic-based.
Source: a number of sources from the writer

Practical and implement entrepreneurship education in education system of Islamic Organizations is given in senior high school, university and Mosque Youth in the Islamic Organizations’ in Indonesia. Entrepreneurship education program for Islamic Organizations’ youth in senior high school level, university students, and mosque youth is started by Economic Council of Islamic Organizations and its educational section to activate the academicians in universities to optimize tri dharma of universities in education and citizen productivity by focusing on Islamic entrepreneurship. This academy will contribute to senior high school students and university students by giving knowledge of business which is based on Islamic rules according to the Prophet, development of business plan, training of entrepreneurial management, evaluation and development strategy.
In the implementation phase of Islamic Organizations’ youth entrepreneurship, their enterprises will be categorized into 5 people with different background. In this phase they will be guided directly by Islamic businessmen who have been successful and they are given a chance to join internship in real business based on their interest.

After finishing the internship they will be guided to develop business plan based on local potential and technology. In some business categories wakaf land including productive wakaf agreement which are owned by Amal Usaha Islamic Organizations can be optimized as a land to be cultivated as agribusiness and the products will be produced and sold in modern markets with technology system.
The government’s supports can be done by having check-balance program from the institution and giving credits known as KUR (Kredit Usaha Rakyat). And then the Muslim businessmen who have been successful can give Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in order to develop productive young generation in Islamic entrepreneurship education.

B. Implementation
The implementation program of  “I’m Edu” can be established by referring to the vision of education and economics based on Islamic Organizations is crystallizing the local potential and technology for Islamic entrepreneurship education in the pillar of education in Islamic Organizations. The implementations as follow:
  1. Forging Islamic Entrepreneurship Education based on local potential in the level of education in Islamic Organizations from elementary, junior high school, senior high school, to university and community of Islamic Organizations.
  2. Identifying local potential in the area in which Islamic Organizations exists and it will be included into entrepreneurship education curriculum.
  3. Training for Mentor addressed to teachers, lecturers, and Islamic figures who become the head of majelis ta’lim or religious council, which will be the main point of entrepreneurship education and it also should include practical learning by Islamic businessmen.
  4. Implementing entrepreneurship education in the learning subjects, extracurricular of Islamic entrepreneurship in senior high school and subjects in university and also Islamic Students’ Activities in university. Output program is creative entrepreneurs based on local wisdom and islamic value.
  5. Religious gathering of entrepreneurship is started in mosques of Islamic Organizations.
  6. Training and implementing integrated program of “I’am Edu Program” for students, college students, community of religious youth in developing business plan, business management and practice of enterprises.
  7. Evaluating and developing Islamic Entrepreneurship Education.

In the model solution in this paper will focus on the entrepreneurship education In Islamic Organization to ummah empowernment. Implementation is supported by entrepreneurship education trough optimization of zakat, waqf and shodakoh for empowering the ummah in the alleviation of poverty. Zakat as an instrument of distribution of welfare is a significant instrument for the fulfillment of basic needs of the poor coreligionists Chairman of the National Board of Amil Zakat, Zakat Didin Hafidhuddin mention the potential national reach Rp. 213, 7 billion each year if calculated from the occupation of Indonesia reached 250 million. collected only 10% of 2.2 trillion not to mention the potential shodakoh as an instrument of distribution of welfare in Islam. Then the potential of waqf as instrumentation for the economic empowerment of the ummah In Indonesia.

Data waqf land Indonesia in 2011 reached 426 003 locations with an area 3,492,045,373,754 square meters or 349,204,537 acres. And has certified 282,321 locations and 132,396 locations not yet certified. Thus, the land is still widely neglected. Then the potential endowments tunia (productive) Ministry of Religious Affairs in 2007, never assume if 40 Million Muslim waqf pay Rp 100,000.00 per year, it will be collected the money from endowments amounting to Rp 400 billion. If payment is increased to Rp 500,000.00 per year, the amount of funds that will be collected sebeasr Rp 20 trillion. If the results of Islamic banks around 10 percent, the value of the results that can be received from the investment fund endowments is about 2 Billion/year. Number is only estimated 40 million Muslim population of about 182 million Muslims in Indonesia. It can be optimized Endowments economic assets that can be developed for productive business media based on Islam who later cooperation with BMT and Islamic banks to be SMEs for the poor and unemployed.

C. Outcome Program
“I’m Edu” Program is a continuous model of Islamic entrepreneurship education, thus it can increase the number of youth who become a businessman and decrease the number of educated unemployment and young generations in society:
  1. The program is designed by using triple heilx approach which integrates between Muslim businessmen and government together to build competence of young entrepreneurship in university and society.
  2. Produce competent young Islamic entrepreneurship that can be independently and positively impact on the economic empowerment of the people based on the nature of the FAST Prophet Muhammad.
  3. The program combines both Islamic entrepreneurship and technology which are based on local potential designed by exploring local finance and local strength existing in society.
  4. The program is not only business-oriented, but also it is skills-oriented meaning that it trains students, college students, youth to have soft-skills, therefore if they choose not to establish their own enterprise, they have got enough self-development training.
Bilbiography :

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