Islamics Entrepreneurship Education, Edupreneur, Young Entrepreneur and All about Entrepreneurship
Senin, 29 Juli 2013
FoSSEI Indonesia - The Largest Students Organization for Islamic Economics
FoSSEI Indonesia - The Largest Students Organization for Islamic Economics Studies
Minggu, 28 Juli 2013
Success and Inspire Stories : Islamic Entrepreneurs Pengusaha Rabbani sebagai icon mode shari’ah Fashion terbaik di dunia
" adalah
sebuah toko online milik Rabbani, perusahaan garmen yang bergerak dalam
retail busana muslim. Rabani merupakan salah satu perusahaan kerudung
instan pertama dan terbesar di Indonesia.
Perusahaan ini telah menerima beberapa penghargaan atas produknya. Di antaranya adalah penghargaan Care Towards The Special Needs of Moslem Community 2013,
dari MarkPlus Insight bekerjasama dengan Journal Islamic Marketing,
Emerald Group (London). Penghargaan lain yang diraih berasal dari
Franchise Top Mind tahun 2012 dan Penghargaan Terpopuler tahun 2010.
Berawal dari kepahitan dan kesulitan hidup yang luar biasa, pada tahun 1994 Bpk. H. Amry Gunawan bersama istrinya Ibu Hj. Nia Kurnia mendirikan outlet busana muslim untuk memperkenalkan dan menjual busana muslim hasil rancangannya, outlet tersebut diberi nama Rabbani yang diambil dari AL Qur’an Surat : Al Imron Ayat 79 yang artinya para pengabdi Allah yang mau mengajarkan dan diajarkan Kitaballah.
Rabbani memiliki arti yang istimewa bagi Bpk. H. Amry Gunawan dan Ibu Hj. Nia Kurnia, karena selain dapat menyalurkan hobi, keberadaannya dapat memberikan sumber penghasilan dan nafkah untuk kehidupan keluarga. Bagi Bpk. H. Amry Gunawan dan Ibu Hj. Nia Kurnia, keberadaan Rabbani diharapkan dapat memberikan konstribusi yang besar dalam syiar dan dakwah Islam bagi para muslimah agar memenuhi kewajibannya untuk menutupi auratnya. Rabbani ingin merubah paradigma sebagian besar masyarakat pada waktu itu yang memandang bahwa wanita yang memakai busana muslim itu kuno dan kampungan. Rabbani ingin menunjukkan bahwa wanita yang memakai busana muslim itu modern dan terhormat juga dapat tampil gaya, trendy namun sopan dan syar’i.
Pada awal berdiri Rabbani memiliki satu karyawan untuk melayani konsumen, satu tahun kemudian perkembangannya secara bisnis belum menunjukkan perubahan yang signifikan. Namun, keadaan tersebut tidak menyurutkan motivasi dan perjuangan Bpk. H. Amry Gunawan & ibu Hj. Nia Kurnia, bahkan keadaan tersebut dijadikan cambuk untuk membakar dan menempa semangat dan perjuangan Bpk. H. Amry Gunawan dan Ibu Hj. Nia Kurnia untuk menghasilkan produk dengan kualitas dan desain terbaik.
Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, dari tahun ke tahun, karena rancangannya yang senantiasa inovatif dan berbeda dari yang lain, Rabbani mengalami perkembangan yang pesat. Rabbani mulai diterima oleh masyarakat dan mulai memiliki pelanggan yang semakin banyak.
Rabbani senantiasa mengembangkan strategi pemasarannya.dan beradaptasi dengan perkembangan zaman, Rabbani merubah nama dan Motto-nya dengan yang nama lebih familiar dan diterima oleh masyarakat luas, yaitu "Rabbani Kerudung Instant" dengan motto "trend Setter Kerudung Instant". Melalui motto dan spirit di atas, Rabbani senantiasa bermetamorfosis kea rah yang lebih baik untuk menjadi jawara Kerudung Instant dan icon mode shari’ah terbaik di dunia.
Selain perubahan nama, Rabbani mulai focus dalam membidik segmentasi pasarnya, Rabbani membidik pasar untuk kalangan menengah. Sedangkan perkembangan dari aspek pemasarannya, Rabbani mengembangkan strategi pemasarannya, selain Pemasaran langsung ke end user (konsumen), Rabbani membina network pemasaran yaitu membuka mitra dealer atau distributor tunggal per kota/kabupaten dan mengembangkan network pengembangan outlet / reSHARE (retail outlet shariah) Rabbani.
Sebagai upaya untuk mendukung kesuksesan pengembangan strategi pemasaran yang telah dibina serta untuk mengakomodasi permintaan pasar yang semakin besar, Rabbani mengembangkan dan menambah kapasitas produksinya dengan mendirikan 4 (empat) buah pabrik garmen yang menyuplai seluruh produk rabbani, seperti kerudung sebagai produk utama, busana muslim seperti gamis, tunik, T-shirt muslimah, koko, kazko, manset, dll. Keempat pabrik tersebut bertempat di Bandung dengan karyawan di bagian produksi hampir mencapai 1000 orang. Dengan kemampuan produksi 1 pcs kerudung / 2 detik.
Dalam hal komunikasi antar personal, mereka rutin mengadakan brifing pagi atau kalau di tempat saya ”5 Minute Talk” membahas apa saja umumnya masalah pekerjaan atau topik yang lain juga boleh.
Untuk mengembangkan karyawan, setiap 2 minggu sekali mereka mengadakan trainning skill up untuk masing-masing bidang pekerjaan dengan mendatangkan ahli-ahlinya.
Untuk miningkatkan moral dan spiritual karyawan mereka bahkan memberikan insentif bagi karyawan yang : Puasa sunnah,sholat dhuha,khatam Alquran 1 juz dalam 1 hari.
Dalam marketing plannning nya, konsep-konsep mengenai outlet (branch), dealer, sub-agen, sampai member telah dirancang aturan mainnya secara detail dan terbentuklah jaringan yang yang sangat hebat kelak.Setelah jaringan terbentuk semua produk dengan icon-icon rabbani dengan mudah akan mengalir tidak terbendung.
Apakah kunci sukses/landasan bisnis P.Haji Amri..? beliau menerangkan dengan mantap yakni :
1.Totalitas Menghambakan diri kepada Allah agar kita di layani oleh dunia..
2.Kuasailah musim
3.Bebas dari rasa takut kecuali hanya kepada Allah
4.Jadilah pedagang yang Jujur...
Senin, 22 Juli 2013
Characteristics of Islamic Entrepreneurship
"Theories and Concepts of Entrepreneurship":
1. Entrepreneurship is an integral part of Islam.
2. By virtue of human nature , the Muslim entrepreneurs are 'khalifah' and have the reponsibilities to develop prosperity and sees business as part of ibadah or good deed.
3. Motivation - success in Islam is not merely measured by the end result but also the way and means of achieving them.
4. Ibadah - business activity is part of ibadah or "good deed"
5. Islamic Economic System - Islamic entrepreneurship should operate within the domain of the Islamic economic system and act as the vehicle towards global acceptance of the Islamic economic system.
6. Guiding Principles of Islamic Entrepreneurship is by the al-Quran and al-Hadith
7. Entrepreneurial Ethics based on exemplary conducts of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W
Source :
1. Entrepreneurship is an integral part of Islam.
2. By virtue of human nature , the Muslim entrepreneurs are 'khalifah' and have the reponsibilities to develop prosperity and sees business as part of ibadah or good deed.
3. Motivation - success in Islam is not merely measured by the end result but also the way and means of achieving them.
4. Ibadah - business activity is part of ibadah or "good deed"
5. Islamic Economic System - Islamic entrepreneurship should operate within the domain of the Islamic economic system and act as the vehicle towards global acceptance of the Islamic economic system.
6. Guiding Principles of Islamic Entrepreneurship is by the al-Quran and al-Hadith
7. Entrepreneurial Ethics based on exemplary conducts of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W
Source :
Islamic Entrepreneurship Education : Actualization of The Prophet’s Entrepreneurship in The Pillar of Education on Islamic Organizations
Authore : Ade Suyitno Alamat : Bandung, Jawa BaratPosted : 25/06/2013
No. Peserta: 009AB/
PCIM RUSIA 2013 - International Article
PCIM RUSIA 2013 - International Article
Islamic Entrepreneurship Education : Actualization of The Prophet’s Entrepreneurship in The Pillar of Education on Islamic Organizations
Indonesia, as the biggest Muslim country shows high rate of poverty and unemployment. Based on the source of Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS) and the World Bank’s data, Indonesia is one of Muslim countries, which is impoverished. The data of BPS reveal the number of indigent people Indonesia in 2012 is 29,88 million people. While the data coming from the World Bank reveal more number which is 102,45 million people. (VOA, 02/03/2013).
The difference of number occurs because the World Bank has more high indicators than the BPS does. However, the number is still high and it causes negative impact which is the increase of criminal rate, beggar and unemployment, this situation later will cause the circle of poverty. And then, the data of unemployment based on educational indicator in BPS reveal high number, 6,32% out of the total number of Indonesian people. This data of unemployment are quite high. This situation needs to be handled intensively and seriously, because it involves a number of people’s welfare. The complete data as follow:
Tabel 1. The level of open unemployment of citizen in
age of 15 and above based on the highest education achieved in 2010 to
2012 (%)
Education Level
Elementary and below |
Junior High School |
Senior High School |
Vocational School |
Diploma I/II/III |
University |
Although the data of poverty and unemployment decrease, however the number is still high and the phase of decrease is too slow, therefore this situation has to be reduced especially in young unemployment. Many ways have been done by the government, private sectors, or even the people themselves. As we know, to solve this problem takes time and long process. Socio-economic problem is still happening in Muslim countries, including Indonesia. According to Azyumardi Azra, an intellectual Muslim, those two problems are able to influence people’s religion in activity and faith. (Replubika, 23/11/2012)
The solution which has been developed by the government to solve unemployment is developing new entrepreneur in Indonesia. It is also in line with the recent international study about the role of entrepreneurship as the motor of economy. Zahra (1999:39) argues that the development of entrepreneurship has been considered as one of main factors to develop socio-economy sector because it opens million job opportunities, offers varied goods and services, and generally increases national welfare and competitiveness.
Based on the data of State Minister for Cooperatives Small and Medium Enterprises 2012, out of more than 230 million people in Indonesia, only 1,56% becomes entrepreneur. Ideally, there should be 2% of entrepreneur out of the total number of people in a country. The percentage of entrepreneur in Indonesia is low, even it is not the ideal percentage, whereas, in developed countries such as America, Singapore, and England the percentage of entrepreneur is above 10% out of the total number of people. The entrepreneurs become the motor of economy, which are creative, innovative, and brave to take risks. An entrepreneur will optimize every source to be a valuable product.
Indonesia will be The Next Emerging Country with strong economics in the future. Based on IMF Standard Chartered Research 2010, Indonesia’s economics pojection PDB/capita in 2020 will be in the top 10 along with 3,2 trn USD and in 2030 will be in the top 5 along with 9,3 trn USD with China, US, India and Brazil. Because of the increase of PDB, the role of Indonesia also increases in international affairs and contributes to solve global economy crisis. Other potentials of Indonesia are abundant natural resources, human resources and stability of economics and then the number of young generation in the age 14-20 is the most, 64 million people. The demography can be used beneficially as the right time to grow.
Therefore, a strategic way is needed to establish human resources which are independent by having entrepreneurial the Prophet’s character which will enhance quality of natural resources in Indonesia well. Based on the explanations above, the writer is interested in the study of “Islamic Entrepreneurship Education (I’m Edu Program): Actualization of the Prophet’s Entrepreneurship as the Pillar of Education on Islamic Organizations towards Indonesia as the Emerging Country.
Islamic and Entrepreneurship
Islam categorizes entrepreneurship and trade into mu’amalah meaning that the issues are related to horizontal relationship among humans which will be responsibly adjudicated in the afterlife. Mankind is mandated to prosper the earth and lead it to the right directions also to strive in earning and making a living. The Holy Qur’an cited the entrepreneurial spirit in the verses as follow:
QS.Al-Mulk:15, meaning:
“He it is Who has made the earth subservient to you (i.e. easy for you to walk, to live and to do agriculture on it); so walk in the path thereof and eat of His provision. And to Him will be the Resurrection.”
QS. Al-Baqarah: 275 meaning:
“… is only like Ribâ (usury), whereas Allâh has permitted trading and forbidden Ribâ (usury).”
Islam encourages its people to be an entrepreneur. There are a number of verses or hadiths which encourage Muslims to be an entrepreneur, such as the importance of trading which is stated in a hadith: “Beheld trading by all of, in trading there 9 out of 10 doors that will lead to the welfare.(HR. Ahmad). And then, the Prophet had ever been asked by his followers: ”What is the best occupation?”He answered“a people works with his hand in trading and honest.”(HR. Al Bazzar). Therefore, “..Then when the (Jumu’ah) Salât (prayer) is ended, you may disperse through the land, and seek the Bounty of Allâh (by working, etc.), and remember Allâh much: that you may be successful.” (QS. al-Jumu’ah: 10).
The concept of entrepreneur had been taught by the Prophet, long time ago before he became the Prophet. The Prophet started his business when he was 12 years old by buying goods from the market and selling them to other people in order to get profits. Together with his uncle, the Prophet had a business trip to Syria. His business had been growing fast until he met Khadijah a offered a partnership by employing profit sharing system. During the partnership, the Prophet had a business trip to the center of business in Hbasyah, Syria, and Jorash. (Ermawati, 2006:164)
Antonio (2007:80) in his book presents the analogy of studies and inspirations and activities of guarding sheep towards elements of management as follow: 1. Pathfinding meaning looking for fertile meadow, 2. Directing looking for fertile meadow, 3. Controlling meaning to control the sheep, thus they will not be lost or separate from their flocks, 4. Protecting to protect the sheep from beast animals and thieves, 5. Reflecting to reflect and contemplate among nature, mankind, and God. And then, Trim (2009) claims that credibility and capability of the Prophet exist in four important characters known as FAST (Fathonah, Amanah, Shiddiq and Tabligh) perfected by istiqamah of the Prophet supported by Roziah Sidik who states that the Prophet was a genius proved by his ability as a politician, a war expert, a diplomat, a government, a genius, a citizen planner, and a preacher.
The development history of Islam in all over the world is also influenced by trading which makes the invasion of Islam becomes stronger and beneficial. Many versions of history state that Islam had been brought to Indonesia through trades from Gujarati and Arabian traders. Next, one of the founders of the biggest Islamic organization in Indonesia is KH. Ahmad Dahlan as the enlightenment and the founder of Muhammdiyah also employed trades in strengthening the activities. KH. Ahmad Dahlan not only developing his business but also became a teacher who taught how to read the Holy Qur’an and he was also a khatib, an Islamic preacher. On trading he visited many towns in Indonesia. In each of his trip he always conveyed the mission of Islamic values. (Een Rochahen, 2011:1)
Based on the explanations above, it is obvious that education of Islamic entrepreneurship has to be explored and enhanced as the way to enhance the continuous productivity of people’s economics. Islamic entrepreneurship had been epitomized actually by the Prophet, which has been spread well to all over the world by the traders, thus now it exists in Indonesia and this was also supported by founder of the biggest Islamic organization.
The Pillar of Education on Islamic Organizations and Entrepreneurship Education
Indonesia’s the largest Muslim country, has many Islamic organizations that have branches pgrosesif and proselytizing movement from national to district and village level Such as Muhammadiyah, NU, MUI, Persis, and others. This potential can be developed as a medium for the propagation of Islamic faith, morals and independence of the people in the context of Islamic economics to reduce poverty in Indonesia. Islamic entrepreneurship education is the solution for creating entrepreneur that will create jobs and improving the welfare of the Ummah. In this model were emphasized to establish an entrepreneurial Muslims because as a consequence of the role of entrepreneurs in the development of people and the economic motor of the country based on Islamic sharia fit that has been demonstrated by the prophet Muhammad. It is in because of the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia are still few and of those few be reduced by a greedy entrepreneur.
As a good role model on Islamic education is of Mumammdiyah. where the education here is very inspired of the founders of Muhammadiyah by its founder, KH. Ahmad Dahlan and his objectives. The objectives of Islamic Organisations are to spread the lesson of the Prophet through educational institutions (from elementary to university), to held meetings, religious gatherings,to establish religious contribution, to build mosques, and to published books, brochures, newspapers, and magazines. Special characteristic of Islamic Organizations is Islamic identity. Educational base of Islamic Organizations is Islam which is based on the Holy Qur’an and the Prophet’s As-Sunnah and the goal of to create Muslim mankind.
Educational system in Islamic Organizations can be seen from Data Amal Usaha Islamic Organizations 2012 from the web of Muhammdiyah which established and run, 4.623 playgroup/Qur’an-based playgroup, 2.604 Elementary School, 1.772 Junior High School, 1.143 Senior High School, 67 religious boarding school, 172 university dan 6.118 mosques. The educational system has great potential to create independent young generation that contributes to the number of educated unemployment in Indonesia. Thus, seriousness and entrepreneurial education form are needed in Islamic Organizations which can improve the way of thinking, creativity, and entrepreneurship among young generations.
Entrepreneurial education is the way to enhance students’ potential to be creative and able to notice any
opportunities and able to value economical resources around their surroundings to be more valuable things. Positive characters in entrepreneurial education will improve young generation’s potential and independence in Indonesia. Entrepreneurial education is in line with the objectives of National Education System number 20, 2003 which is based on Pancasila and Basic Constitution of Indonesia that state to develop students’ potential to be faithful and pious mankind who believes in God, good characters, healthy, educated, creative, independent and responsible.
Islamic Entrepreneurship Education (I’M EDU PROGRAM) : Actualization of The Prophet’s Entrepreneurship in The Pillar of Islamic Education
A. Model
Indonesia of Islamic Entrepreneurship Education shortened I’m Edu Program is actualization of the Prophet’s entrepreneurship in the pillar of education on Islamic Organizations both formal education and non-formal education. Entrepreneurship education is really important to be taught because it will create creative and independent mankind. This Islamic entrepreneurship education is an integrated way from elementary to university with different objectives and learning plans.
Tabel 2. Entrepreneurship Education Program in Formal Education Level of Islamic Organizations
Education Level
Learning Activities
Learning outcome
Elementary | Handicrafts, extracurricular | Being competent to be creative and honest |
Junior High School | Learning subjects, Handicrafts, extracurricular: Students’ Cooperation | Being competent to be creative, confident, and trustworthy. |
Senior High School | Learning subjects, local subject, extracurricularr, reading of the Holy Qur’an, Islamic entrepreneurship. | Being competent to be creative, have entrepreneurial knowledge and to be brave to establish small enterprises guilelessly. |
University | Subjects, Islamic Students’ Activities and Business which is in line with DIKTI program. | Being competent to be creative, innovative, brave to take risks and to start establishing enterprises which based on syariah or Islamic-based. |
Practical and implement entrepreneurship education in education system of Islamic Organizations is given in senior high school, university and Mosque Youth in the Islamic Organizations’ in Indonesia. Entrepreneurship education program for Islamic Organizations’ youth in senior high school level, university students, and mosque youth is started by Economic Council of Islamic Organizations and its educational section to activate the academicians in universities to optimize tri dharma of universities in education and citizen productivity by focusing on Islamic entrepreneurship. This academy will contribute to senior high school students and university students by giving knowledge of business which is based on Islamic rules according to the Prophet, development of business plan, training of entrepreneurial management, evaluation and development strategy.
In the implementation phase of Islamic Organizations’ youth entrepreneurship, their enterprises will be categorized into 5 people with different background. In this phase they will be guided directly by Islamic businessmen who have been successful and they are given a chance to join internship in real business based on their interest.
After finishing the internship they will be guided to develop business plan based on local potential and technology. In some business categories wakaf land including productive wakaf agreement which are owned by Amal Usaha Islamic Organizations can be optimized as a land to be cultivated as agribusiness and the products will be produced and sold in modern markets with technology system.
The government’s supports can be done by having check-balance program from the institution and giving credits known as KUR (Kredit Usaha Rakyat). And then the Muslim businessmen who have been successful can give Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in order to develop productive young generation in Islamic entrepreneurship education.
B. Implementation
The implementation program of “I’m Edu” can be established by referring to the vision of education and economics based on Islamic Organizations is crystallizing the local potential and technology for Islamic entrepreneurship education in the pillar of education in Islamic Organizations. The implementations as follow:
- Forging Islamic Entrepreneurship Education based on local potential in the level of education in Islamic Organizations from elementary, junior high school, senior high school, to university and community of Islamic Organizations.
- Identifying local potential in the area in which Islamic Organizations exists and it will be included into entrepreneurship education curriculum.
- Training for Mentor addressed to teachers, lecturers, and Islamic figures who become the head of majelis ta’lim or religious council, which will be the main point of entrepreneurship education and it also should include practical learning by Islamic businessmen.
- Implementing entrepreneurship education in the learning subjects, extracurricular of Islamic entrepreneurship in senior high school and subjects in university and also Islamic Students’ Activities in university. Output program is creative entrepreneurs based on local wisdom and islamic value.
- Religious gathering of entrepreneurship is started in mosques of Islamic Organizations.
- Training and implementing integrated program of “I’am Edu Program” for students, college students, community of religious youth in developing business plan, business management and practice of enterprises.
- Evaluating and developing Islamic Entrepreneurship Education.
In the model solution in this paper will focus on the entrepreneurship education In Islamic Organization to ummah empowernment. Implementation is supported by entrepreneurship education trough optimization of zakat, waqf and shodakoh for empowering the ummah in the alleviation of poverty. Zakat as an instrument of distribution of welfare is a significant instrument for the fulfillment of basic needs of the poor coreligionists Chairman of the National Board of Amil Zakat, Zakat Didin Hafidhuddin mention the potential national reach Rp. 213, 7 billion each year if calculated from the occupation of Indonesia reached 250 million. collected only 10% of 2.2 trillion not to mention the potential shodakoh as an instrument of distribution of welfare in Islam. Then the potential of waqf as instrumentation for the economic empowerment of the ummah In Indonesia.
Data waqf land Indonesia in 2011 reached 426 003 locations with an area 3,492,045,373,754 square meters or 349,204,537 acres. And has certified 282,321 locations and 132,396 locations not yet certified. Thus, the land is still widely neglected. Then the potential endowments tunia (productive) Ministry of Religious Affairs in 2007, never assume if 40 Million Muslim waqf pay Rp 100,000.00 per year, it will be collected the money from endowments amounting to Rp 400 billion. If payment is increased to Rp 500,000.00 per year, the amount of funds that will be collected sebeasr Rp 20 trillion. If the results of Islamic banks around 10 percent, the value of the results that can be received from the investment fund endowments is about 2 Billion/year. Number is only estimated 40 million Muslim population of about 182 million Muslims in Indonesia. It can be optimized Endowments economic assets that can be developed for productive business media based on Islam who later cooperation with BMT and Islamic banks to be SMEs for the poor and unemployed.
C. Outcome Program
“I’m Edu” Program is a continuous model of Islamic entrepreneurship education, thus it can increase the number of youth who become a businessman and decrease the number of educated unemployment and young generations in society:
- The program is designed by using triple heilx approach which integrates between Muslim businessmen and government together to build competence of young entrepreneurship in university and society.
- Produce competent young Islamic entrepreneurship that can be independently and positively impact on the economic empowerment of the people based on the nature of the FAST Prophet Muhammad.
- The program combines both Islamic entrepreneurship and technology which are based on local potential designed by exploring local finance and local strength existing in society.
- The program is not only business-oriented, but also it is skills-oriented meaning that it trains students, college students, youth to have soft-skills, therefore if they choose not to establish their own enterprise, they have got enough self-development training.
Poverty and unemployment are the crucial problems that have to be reduced as soon as possible. Educated unemployment becomes the focus of the weak point of national independence. The Prophet’s entrepreneurship education in school, university, and mosque of Islamic Organizations is one of the solutions to create Muslim young generations who are creative, independent, sensitive to their surroundings and useful for other people by having strong foundation of FAST (Fathonah, Amanah, Shiddiq dan Tabligh). Young generations of Islamic Organizations will be the ambassador independence in Indonesia and support Indonesia to be The Next Emerging Country.
1) The program of entrepreneurship education will be successful if the stakeholders in triple helix; Muslim academicians, goverment and businessmen together teach Islamic entrepreneurship holistically and establish business incubator and BMT in each mosque In Indonesia.
2) The need for synergy governments and Islamic organizations in Indonesia to jointly develop the independence of the people, reduce poverty and unemployment in the form of a joint program of sustainable in Islamic entrepreneurship education. Government support in the form of regulations, facilities and programs.
3) Good support from Indonesian government in seeking shodakoh, waqf, infaq collection and more optimal funding trough channeled Islamic organization in Indonesia which has a branch officials to the village level in the form of productive empowerment programs.
This model of Islamic entrepreneurship education can be a suggestion for the government to implement integrated and holistic entrepreneurship education starting from education level to reach the objectives of National Education. For international level, this model can be transferred technology from developed countries and from Muslim intellectuals who live overseas to accelerate new development of technology-based entrepreneurship. This model can Implement Islamic organization based on the education and empowerment of the people in his preaching that exist elsewhere as the row so that the model of this paper make trikle down effect for Muslims in Indonesia especially and International.
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Suara Muhammadiyah 05 / 96 | 1 – 15 Maret 2011. Di akses pada 16 Maret
ILO.2012. Data Report of ILO Global Employment Trends 2012
Kemenag.2011. Data Wakaf di Indonesia dan Potensinya
Trim, bambang. 2009. Briliant Enterpreneur Muhammad saw. Bandung: Salamadani.
Zahra, S.A. (1999). The changing rules of global competitiveness in the 21st century. Academy of Management Executive, 13(1), 36–42.
Internet :
Ermawati, tuti. n.d. Kewirausahaan dalam Islam. Pustaka LIPI E-Library di akses pada 17/03/2013 di akses pada 17/03/2013
Muhammadiyah. 2013. Data Amal Usaha pada Halaman Web Muhammdiyah di akses pada 17/03/2013
Republika.2013. di akses pada 17/03/2013
Republika.2013. di akses pada 17/03/2013
VOA. 2013. Indonesia, Salah Satu dari 5 Negara Muslim Termiskin di Dunia di akses pada 17/03/2013
Islamic Entrepreneurial Intention Model in Entrepreneurship Education
Islamic Entrepreneurial Intention Model in Entrepreneurship Education
Ade Suyitno
Indonesia University of Education
Ade Suyitno
Indonesia University of Education
Rabu, 17 Juli 2013
Why Sharia or Islamic Labeling ?
yang ada pada judul artikel ini menjadi pertanyaan yang muncul dibenak
penulis dan mungkin ada pada benak pemabaca sendiri serta semua orang
yang mengamati perkembangan ekonomi Syari’ah. Judul artikel ini terlihat menyindir perkembangan ekonomi Syari’ah
yang kini sedang booming dalam tataran keilmuan dan praktis diseluruh
dunia. Perkembangan yang diawali oleh perbankan dan keuangan Syari’ah yang kini merebak keberbagai sektor mulai dari asuransi Syari’ah, bisnis Syari’ah, rumah sakit Syari’ah, restoran Syari’ah, hotel Syari’ah, laundry dan masih banyak lagi. Pertanyaannya kenapa harus ada Label Syari’ah ? dan apakah sebenarnya Syari’ah itu sendiri ?
Tulisan ini dilatarbelakngi sindiran seorang teman ketika melihat acara “bintang tuntas bisnis Syari’ah” yang diadakan oleh TvOne setiap jam makan sahur. Tepatnya tanggal 17 juli dini hari ini membahas Parawisata Syari’ah di Jawa Barat. Saat dikampus terjadilah obrolan kecil yang diawali oleh sindaran kecil teman kampus tentang pariwisata Syari’ah dan diiringi tertawa lepas oleh teman-teman lainnya. “Masa ada hotel dan pariwisata Syari’ah berarti ntar ada Diskotik Syari’ah atuh, tempat wisata kan hiburan”. Itulah kalimat yang terucap oleh teman.
kita amati fenomena apatis diatas terlihat bahwa dalam memandang
aktivitas sehari-hari adanya dikotomi yaitu pemisahan antara aktivitas
dan hukum agama dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Sehingga aktivitas dan
hukum agama dianggap sebagai ritual ibadah kepada tuhan saja, saat
keluar dari masjid sholat khusyu dan dikantor kemudian korupsi. Islam
sebagai agama adalah satu kesatuan yang terintegrasi antara hubungan
manusia pada manusia dan hubungan manusia pada dengan Allah SWT.
Penulis memandang adanya revitalisasi istilah dan implemetasi Syari’ah dalam berbagai bidang sebagai Label
yang mengikuti karena masyarakat dunia Islam mulai memisahkan antara
aktivitas dunia dan akhirat sehingga sekuleritas menjadi hal biasa.
Akibatnya berimbas kepada kemunduran Islam yang kini terus melanda
keberbagai bidang. Oknum Umat islam yang korupsi, hilangnya budaya
keilmuan islam (membaca,berdiskusi dan menulis), degradasi moral pemuda
islam, kejahatan sesama muslim, hingga tidak adanya persaudaraan dan
integrasi antar umat islam.
laporan ILO Global Employment Trends 2012, terungkap bahwa tingkat
pengangguran negara-negara anggota OKI mencapai angka 9,4 persen, jauh
di atas rata-rata pengangguran dunia yang mencapai 6,8 persen. Selain
itu, tidak kurang dari 27,2 persen penduduk muslim dunia (352 juta jiwa)
memiliki pendapatan di bawah USD 1,25/hari/kapita, atau sekitar Rp
12.125/hari/kapita. Hampir 10 persennya berada di Indonesia. Kementerian
Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat tahun 2010 dalam Kebijakan
Nasional Pengembangan Karakter Bangsa memperlihatkan bahwa masalah utama
bangsa ini adalah bergesernya nilai etika dalam berbangsa dan
bernegara, memudarnya kesadaran terhadap nilai-nilai budaya bangsa dan
melemahnya kemandirian bangsa.
Kata Syari’ah berasal dari bahasa Arab, yaitu شرع – يشرع – شرعا. Sedangkan kata at-tashri’ yang merupakan masdar dari شَرَّعَ, yang diadopsi dari syari’ah ini secara etimologi mempunyai dua arti , yaitu:
1. مورد الماء الجاري الذى يقصد للشرب yang
artinya aliran air yang digunakan untuk minum. Dikatakan demikian
karena sumber/aliran air merupakan sumber kehidupan dan kesehatan bagi
2. الطريقة المستقيمة (jalan
yang lurus) seperti firman Allah SWT, yang Artinya: Kemudian Kami
jadikan kamu berada di atas suatu syariat (peraturan) dari urusan (agama
itu), Maka ikutilah syariat itu dan janganlah kamu ikuti hawa nafsu
orang-orang yang tidak mengetahui. Syari’ah
itu dikatakan sebagai jalan yang lurus karena ia merupakan petunjuk
bagi umat manusia kepada kebaikan, baik kebaikan jiwa maupun akal
Secara terminologis, ada beberapa pendapat para ulama tentang definisi atau pengertian syari’ah, yaitu:
a. Manna’
al-Qattan (ahli fiqh dari Mesir) mendefinisikan syari’ah sebagai segala
ketentuan Allah SWT bagi hamba-Nya yang meliputi masalah akidah,
ibadah, akhlak dan tata kehidupan umat manusia untuk mencapai
kebahagiaan mereka di dunia dan akhirat.
b. Imam asy-Syatibi menyatakan bahwa syariat sama dengan agama.
c. Fathi
ad-Duraini memeberikan definisi syari’ah sebagai berikut: syari’ah
adalah segala yang diturunkan Allah SWT kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW berupa
wahyu, baik yang terdapat dalam Al-Qur’an maupun dalam sunnah Nabi SAW
yang diyakini kesahihannya. Lebih lanjut ia mengatakan bahwa syari’ah
adalah an-nus}u>s al-muqaddasah (teks-teks suci) yang dikandung oleh
Al-Qur’an dan sunnah Nabi SAW.
d. Menurut
sebagian besar para fuqaha’ merupakan hukum-hukum yang telah
disyari’atkan Allah SWT kepada hamba-hambanya melalui lisan
yang dapat diambil bahwa syari’ah itu sebenarnya adalah agama. Sebab
agama itu tentunya memiliki ajaran-ajarannya, yang dalam konteks ini
merupakan agama yang berasal dari Allah SWT, yang berisi
ketentuan-ketentuan-Nya kepada hamba-hambanya yang wahyukan kepada para
Rasul. Kemudian agama yang diridhai Allah adalah Islam. Hal ini tertera
jelas dalam tafsir Al Qur’an surat Ali Imran, yang artinya:
“sesungguhnya agama (yang diridhai) di sisi Allah adalah Islam…”
Hukum Islam/Syari’at Dalam Islam terdapat sumber-sumber utama penetapan
syariat dan hukum-hukum Islam. sumber-sumber tersebut adalah :
1. Al-Qur’an
2. As-Sunnah
3. Ijma’
4. Qiyash
Sebagaimana yang diketahui bahwa Syariat Islam
adalah hukum-hukum dan peraturan yang dibebankan oleh Allah SWT kepada
hamba-hambaNya. Syariat ini berisi perintah-perintah dan
larangan-larangan. Perintah dan larangan ini dalam bahasa teknis ilmu
fiqih disebut hukum taklifi. Ketika perintah dan larangan ini
disampaikan kepada manusia, maka timbul usaha untuk memahami dan
menafsirkan perintah dan larangan tesebut. Pemahaman dan penafsiran ini
dilakukan secara sistematis oleh para ulama dengan menggunakan metode
tertentu. Hasil dari usaha sistematis untuk memahami dan menafsirkan
perintah dan larangan Allah SWT, inilah yang dinamakan Fiqih.
Selanjutnya, karena Syari’ah
itu terbagi menjadi dua, yakni ibadah dan muamalah, maka sebagai
konsekuensi logis dari hal ini adalah bahwa fiqih pun terbagi menjadi
dua, yakni fiqih ibadah dan fiqih muamalah. Jadi, fiqih ibadah adalah
tafsiran ulama atas perintah dan larangan dalam bidang ibadah, sedangkan
fiqih muamalah adalah tafsiran ulama atas perintah dan larangan dalam
bidang muamalah.
Syari’ah sebagai Label kemudian booming diseluruh
dunia sekarang ini dan penulis mengamati secara umum mempunyai 2 fungsi
umum yaitu fungsi dakwah dan sungsi edukasi berkaitan dengan fungsi
dakwah adanya Label Syari’ah
dalam setiap bidang keilmuan dan bisnis mengingatkan kita untuk segala
aktivitas harus berlandaskan Al-quran dan Sunah serta setiap aktivitas
sebagai kewajiban menyebakan keilmuan dalam tataran konsep dan aplikasi.
Label Syari’ah sebagai edukasi adalah fungsi mengembalikan Syari’ah yang telah terjadi pemisahan melalui pendidikan keislaman di berbagai bidang baik di sekolahan maupun di masyarakat.
Implikasinya sebagai berikut :
- Pada rumah sakit syariah. Hal sederhana implementasi nilai islam adalah perawat untuk pasien laki-laki adalah perawat laki-laki jangan perempuan begitupun sebaliknya. Dokter dalam operasi juga hendaknya dalam keadaan bersih dan suci serta seminimal mungkin menggunakan obat yang berbahan dasar bahan haram. Hendaknya dokter, perawat dan komponen di RS berprilaku sesuai syariah termasuk dalam berpakaian.
- Pada Bank Syariah. Sudah saatnya masyarakat meninggalkan Riba. Bank syariah sudah sepatutnya menggunakan maqasigh syariah sebagai indikator bisnis. Tidak hanya berorientasi bisnis tetapi juga ada nilai pendidikan islam dalam aktivitas perbankan.
- Pada hotel syariah. Sudah menjadi fakta umum kebanyakan hotel melegalkan dan masih bisa kecolongan pasangan bukan suami istri boleh menginap bersama bahkan memesan PSK. Dengan adanya ketegasan komitmen operasional bisnis berbagai Hotel menyatakan diri sebagai Hotel Syariah maka berimplikasi pada upaya menghilangkan fungsi hotel sesuai islam.
- Pariwisata Syariah. Mari kita liat realita tempat pariwisata populer di seluruh dunia termasuk di Indonesia sebgian besar sudah beralih fungsi dari tempat hiburan menjadi tempat mengumbar aurat dan tempat berkencan baik yang tua hingga yang muda, Adanya nilai-nilai islam pada tempat wisata akan menghindari hal itu dan mengembalikan fungsi tempat wisata tentunya dengan perilaku pengurus pariwisata yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai syariah.
- Kewirausahaan islam. Adanya eksploitasi SDM & kerusakan alam dimana-mana (SDA), kesenjangan kemiskinan adalah peran dari pengusaha yang rakus dan berorientasi menghalalkan segala cara untuk kaya. Pengusaha islam menjadikan usahanya sebagai upaya nyata mengabdi dan berkomunikasi dengan tuhannya. Nilai-nilai islam ada dalam setiap proses bisnis dan keuntungan yang didapat untuk memenuhi kesejahteraan keluarganya dan ber ZISWAF.
Hendaknya pelaku bisnis muslim dalam usahanya apalagi berlabel syariah
dalam bisnisnya tidak hanya berorientasi bisnis. Adanya suatu fenomena
perkembangan syariah tidak semata-mata untuk memanfaatkan peluang bisnis tetapi juga sesuai dengan maqashid syariah. Jangan sampaikan mengatas namakan bisnis dengan nama syariah islam.
syariah yang dipahami sebagai tujuan utama syariah yang mengedepankan
nilai-nilai kesejahteraan dan kemaslahatan (Jalb al-Masalih) dan
menghilangkan kesengsaraan. Hal
ini kemudian memunculkan teori Maqashid Syariah Abu Zahrah yang meliputi
Tahdzib al-Fard (Educating the individual), Iqamah Al-Adl (Establishing
justice), dan Maslahah (Welfare) (Mustafa, 2009: 6).
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